Today I’m A Kid

Today I’m A Kid

Some days I need the basics – the basic pause. Today I am busy harassing myself about all kinds of things; what I am ordering myself to get done, what to eat, when am I going to find time to move this body, what to write for this article etc. A stagnant fog is taking up residence in my mind and no amount of caffeine seems to be changing the atmosphere. I pause. I give up harassing myself long enough to reach into my purse for a KIDS CAN PAUSE practice card. “Ah, this will do the trick,” I sigh with the thought of relief coming in the not so distant future.

Instead of leaping out my car like superwoman dashing back into the Pause studio, I flip over the KIDS CAN PAUSE practice card. I remember something on it about slowing down. I begin to Practice The Pause.

Pause:  I choose to slow down. I am willing to feel calm and safe. My choice flips the switch and here I find myself, slowing down. So easy. I stop harassing myself immediately.

Step Back:  I choose to take a deep breath. I read this but notice resistance to actually taking the deep breath. So, I slow down again and take a deep breath. Good choice. I was holding my breath, so now I am actually breathing! Always a good idea. I am willing to get out of my own way. When I am feeling upset, I can Pause for Help. If I step back, my Helpful Self will step in and help me.

Step Aside:  I choose to pause, be still, and listen to my Helpful Self. Hmm. I share with the kids and youth that we share Pause with how they have a Helpful Self, but hey, I have a Helpful Self too. Practicing on: I am willing to get Help with my thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. I ask my Helpful Self, “What is Safe, Kind, and Helpful in this moment?” So, I listen to my Helpful Self who points me in the right direction. Wow, my Helpful Self is my  inner compass. I could really use right now to be pointed away from wrestling with myself and towards loving myself.

Let My Helpful Self Guide: I choose to follow my Helpful Self who leads me to be SAFE, KIND, CALM, and HELPFUL. I am worthy of My Helpful Self who encourages me with what to say and do and is my True Friend. As I practice what these words suggest, I notice the word “encourage” and I pause to receive encouragement from my Helpful Self. The practice closes with I choose to remember…MY HELPFUL SELF LOVES ME!

I slowly get out of my car, open the Pause studio door, return to my desk, and wonder, “How am I worthy? What does it mean to be worthy?” In my pausing I have this experience:  Imagine that living within me is a boundless balloon of LOVE. Now imagine that this LOVE balloon is extending a LOVE balloon to me – this is how I am worthy; because LOVE is always giving Love to me, to everyone. Everyone is worthy. You can ask your Helpful Self “How am I worthy?” and have your own experience. KIDS CAN PAUSE cards, for adults too, are free at:


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