365 Pause Practices – Day 152


   I Want What You Have

Shared by Natalie, a Pause Crew Member

If my One True Goal is Peace & Connection with others, why do I give my relationships over to ego? That’s what it seems like I’m doing sometimes. You know, those little internal competitions we have with others, that these others aren’t even aware of? We may be driven to “keep up with the Joneses” or even the Kardashians, talk a certain way, walk a certain way, wear certain clothes, drive a certain car, belong to a certain club or hang in a certain circle. The only thing I’m certain of is that none of this brings true peace.

Instead of following outside influences, what if we Paused and Stepped Back to ask our Inner Wisdom what to think, what to say, and what to do in these circumstances?

Let Inspiration Guide You to the Meaningful

If we can experience just a moment of Inspiration we have everything we need. Even in our most basic or essential needs to live in this world, if we listen, our Inner Wisdom can provide direction to move us toward how to access these basic needs.

We Have Choices & the Power to Choose our Inner Helper    

When we do, we can remember who we are in Love. We can remember we are worthy, right here, right now. We can remember that we need not judge ourselves or others as different or lacking. We can let this internal competition fall away to be replaced by Love and Connection with others.

When we experience this Love and Connection with others, we feel uplifted and naturally lift others up. This connectedness brings a sense of surety and genuine confidence in ourselves and others. When we feel this Love, we put this Love energy out into the Universe, which comes back to us and continues the Love cycle.

When we choose Peace above all else, we can rest assured we have ALL that we need 

Click on the card above to see the front & back of the card.
You may also want to print it or order it. 





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