365 Pause Practices – Day 196


Step Back – ‘Judging’

as defined in the Pause Golden Book page 20

Most judgment is around feeling that someone has
mistreated you or offended you and now you sit in judgment of this one. Or you do not like the way someone
dresses, talks or behaves and you judge them as unworthy for not being like you. The central theme is seeing through the eyes of “difference.” How is this person different from “me”—here is this me-character again—and how is “me” better or worse? You have a choice: judge or forgive.

To forgive is to see—
To see truly.
To see with eyes knowing how to see.
Because these eyes
Know Love.

Forgive as you want to be forgiven. What about consequences and punishment for words and actions that are hateful and cause harm? Forgiveness does not undo the worldly consequences and punishment that one must face. Real forgiveness, however, lets yourself and/or another know inside that even though you or another may have missed the mark, who one truly is, one’s very being, is not undone, but awaits your recognition.

Judgment and consequences
are necessary for a society to function.
Forgiveness is necessary
for Inspiration to function in the world.
Pause Golden Book ~ page 20

Click on the card above to see the front and back of the card.
You may also wish to download or print it.

Click on the Pause Golden Book above to download it. 

As a note: the Pause Golden Book does not need to be read from beginning to end.
Sometimes simply opening it anywhere and reading a sentence, a paragraph, or a
page or two, can prove helpful and just what is needed in the moment.





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