365 Pause Practices – Day 17

Grateful for Dr. Martin Luther King’s Inspiration Demonstration


Answer I received in the pause about evil (pg. 36 Pause Yellow Book)

There is violence in this world. How do you face violence? You cannot truly and effectively face the violence appearing outside of you without facing the violence going on inside of you. The choice is one of avoidance or peace. Inner violence is the cause of outer violence. . .

Here is where you must face yourself. Evil comes into the world for a purpose – to be overcome by Love. You are unaware of Love’s power and so you do not trust it. You think Love is a little thing. Inspiration cannot help the one who thinks so little of Love. You find it easier to trust fear because you have wrestled with it on the outside and know its ways. You have failed to wrestle with Love on the inside and so you do not know Love.

Your little knowing knows a “little love.”

Overcoming fear with LOVE

Face-to-Face With Darkness

I imagine you have experienced evil, inner and outer. I certainly have. Many years ago I was face-to-face with a person. I remember I was filled with TOTAL JOY about a potential new Pause project involving sharing Pause with kids in schools and approached her to share the good news. As I did so, I first asked her how her day was going, she replied, “Fine” in an unusual tone of voice – off Center. Then I became aware of what I can only describe as intense darkness filling the space around us, however strange that may sound. Without thought, I paused, and “heard” in my mind, “Step away” and I followed Inspiration’s direction. My TOTAL JOY remained intact.


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