365 Pause Practices – Day 26


Tomorrow I Will Share My Miracle Story

Yep, it happens. Women feeling in competition with women, vengeance, jealousy, gossip, hate – fear in all its many forms. We get into our primitive poses driven by the nervous system, biology, culture, and the thought of separation from LOVE, thus fear. This is usually unconscious.

We rise up and clamp down into self-protective mode and a survival of the fittest stance at church, social gatherings, work, etc. I have experienced this and I imagine most, if not all of you, at one time or another, have turned green! LOLOL. So, how can we women heal the fear in our hearts and minds?


Hold on. This isn’t an ego substitute for “love” – not a cozy wozy, warm fuzzy so I can feel better for a minute practice – then return to lunch over gossip.

Seems that the reason we fear, therefore hate, is because

we don’t feel loved.

PAUSE FOR LOVE is a practice in letting LOVE, love you so

you can truly love yourself and others.

LOOKOUT for tomorrow’s Pause in which I share a personal story of how I applied the Pause Practice to heal jealousy.

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