365 Pause Practices – Day 27

365 Pause Practices – Day 27


not only a women’s thing

Following Up on Yesterday’s Pause As Promised!

Whether it’s jealousy towards another woman in my heart or picking up on another woman being jealous of me and I have no idea why, jealousy is a painful experience. I feel it in my body first – belly tightens, heart closes, then I notice the ego stance: comparing myself to her, labeling her, I know more than her or I feel less than her…women know the story.

Here’s what I practice: I pause, I feel my feelings, see my thoughts and STEP BACK to get out of my own way, I breathe, give some space, I open to Inspiration within whose source IS LOVE. I ask, “Is there another way to see this?” and “What would be truly helpful now?” I hopefully remember to LET LOVE, LOVE ME and LET LOVE, LOVE HER.

I am feeling better already

I listen WITHIN to Inspiration and choose whether or not to follow the Wisdom received OR HANG ON TO MY JUDGMENTS. If I follow LOVE, ego chatter ceases, pulse slows down, deep breaths, and I begin seeing what it is to get out of my own way.

Now I am present-centered

If I’m honest, I’m projecting an unhealed wound. For example, many years ago, I liked this woman and her expertise in her field, yet I was against her in some way. In the pause, I saw that I was jealous of her because she was embodying something in her life that I wanted to be embodying in my life, but was afraid. I was afraid because I was holding the same judgment against myself that I was holding against her; I was believing one of the ego’s main deceptive accusations, “Who do you think you are?”

Once I realized this AND I wanted to love myself and her, the jealousy fell away. I was able to look at this “who do you think you are ” fear voice, with LOVE and LEARN MORE!

I came to forgive myself, to see both myself and her with LOVE, be inspired by her, and take steps towards embodying my life more fully as guided by Inner Wisdom.

The irony is that I eventually came to see that I didn’t want to be doing what she was doing after all. Inner Wisdom had ANOTHER PLAN FOR ME! LOLOLOL

love has a better way for you



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