365 Pause Practices – Day 34

What a relief. What a relief to pause.

Pause instead of judge.

Pause instead of talk.

Pause instead of analyze.

The greatest obstacle to pausing is judging (pg. 70).

The Question Is This

We all judge. Before my judging begins or as I notice my judging is in full swing, I can be willing to Pause, Step Back, and ask inner Wisdom, “Who is it that is judging? My self-absorbed, self-centered heart ÷ mind or my mind aware of Love, Wisdom – my Inspired Heart ∞ Mind?

pg. 18


That’s easy. Me. We all have a love affair with judgment because we are having a love affair with our cubicle self – the me-character.

For example, Inspiration is guiding me to go to a particular place at a particular time to participate in something that brings me much JOY and nourishment. No brainer, right? No. Why? I feel obligated to be someplace else, doing something else at the same time. I can have a good experience there, but it is not where my Inspired Heart ∞ Mind is drawing me to BE.

So I “should” myself into being involved in a situation that doesn’t feed me the way the other does. “Shoulding” comes from judging myself as guilty if I do what I am INspired to do!

Thankfully, in a moment of feeling something’s gotta shift, I paused, reached a point of totally stepping back from judging myself, and The Voice for LOVE stepped in. LOVE was clear and succinct in directing me to do what I have been INspired to do because that is what is truly in my best interest! Not what I think I should do to try and please someone else. Which ironically, probably isn’t pleasing them anyway!!!

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