365 Pause Practices – Day 61


The Power of Loving Myself ~

it’s the only way I will be able to love others.

The Power of Letting LOVE love me ~
it’s the only way I will be able to love myself.

Continued from yesterday’s “Words Can’t Be Unsaid”

What holds greater value to you: saying what is on your mind or minding
what is on your mind before it works its way to your lips? The words we
speak over ourselves or another can impale the spell of death or infuse
awareness of Life (pg. 20-21 Complementary Pause Yellow Book).

Are You Compassionate With Yourself?

Only your True Self can experience compassion and be compassionate
towards yourself and others as it is your True Self that extends the LOVE
that is the root of all true compassion.

True LOVE is Safe, Wise, Helpful, and Compassionate

You are not lacking in LOVE, and
LOVE is not lacking in you.
Yet, it is your choice to Pause and Let LOVE, love you.

In receiving LOVE you will become aware of the abundance of LOVE within you and within others.

Draw from this Abundance as you speak wise words over
others and yourself.





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