365 Pause Practices – Day 89


Responding to Suffering

our own and others

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Grace can and has been revealed to me in my suffering as

I am willing to receive the help grace extends.

Tears are a bridge across the waters of darkness.

In this human experience, we will suffer. This is part of the human
condition. We can be too quick to avoid suffering, to push it away, label
it as weak, tell others to “Get on with your life” prematurely, which will inevitably lead to more suffering for ourselves and others.

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Suffering is an opportunity to open to help.

Suffering is a call to look within

at our inner darkness and how it causes outer darkness.

This world is not a separate entity making itself!

I am playing my part in making up the world.

Thankfully, we can let LOVE reveal itself to us in our suffering,

in our grief, in our joy that eventually comes, and in one another because

We Are All Sealed by All~Encompassing LOVE.

Suffering is not wrong, unenlightened,

or something to feel ashamed of or to judge in

ourselves or another.

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Practice The Pause!

Ask Inspiration Within & Receive Answers for Wisdom on
how to respond to
your suffering and the suffering of others.

Everyday life ~
we are to be with all of it, not rush to the rest of it.
So even while I am planning out my day, my life,
my next endeavor, I can consider:
Stepping Back
Stepping Aside
Letting Inspiration Guide.





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