365 Pause Practices – Day 101


What Stops You?

About to walk upstairs to create today’s Pause Post, having no idea what it will be, the green outside our window catches my senses. “Oh, I think I’ll open the door and step outside to see how the air feels.” My closed, reactive cubicle mind interferes with this lovely thought saying, “You don’t have time to go outside, you’d have to turn off the alarm, and move the sculpture blocking the doorway, get to work . . .” I pause.

In this pause, I recognize this ridiculous rattling on. As I step back, I remember that I have a choice. Am I going to let this minuscule voice keep me from enjoying the moist air after the rain? That nourishing smell that spring rain splatters upon us? NO, I AM NOT! I turn off the alarm, move the thing, open the door, and step outside.

Grateful for a Pause

The air melts my mind, a choir of birds engages in their morning practice,
a baby bird high on a distant branch is munching brunch, while
a puddle of water at my feet, rocks soaking, receives the
dropping water from the gutter overhead.

What stops you from pausing, and

merging into a healing moment

giving a smile

exchanging a kind word

taking in good news

connecting with a friend

walking around the block


singing in the car


What stops you from listening to Inspiration
in one true pause, and following?






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