365 Pause Practices – Day 128


Today We Pause For All Mothers


For All Women Who Mother In Myriad Ways

Blessings upon all mothers, all women, who love unceasingly, no matter what. I know my mom did. And in those moments when our mothers may
not have seemed so loving; we can forgive their fear, their worry,
their own hurt and pain, their doubt, their unfulfilled dreams, their
tired nights, and too busy days ~ for all our mothers
are both human and divine, as are we.

Because of the LOVE that loves us all, mothers, in their being
human can love, and through Divine LOVE are:

Frail yet strong

Vulnerable while willing to take risks 

Afraid yet trusting

Struggling and letting go all at once

Wishing they could have done better while doing the best they could

Lonely and wise enough to seek divine consolation

Desolate yet still receiving LOVE so they can love and console family,
neighbors, friends, and complete strangers
on the spot anywhere, any time

Grieving though still cooking, cleaning, and getting us dressed

Doubting and praying for direction

Hungry yet pausing to feed the family

Disciplining and never giving up on us

Creating their own life while giving us life

Be forgiven and forgive

Human yet always divine

Thanks Mom
for showing me how to love, embodying your faith, teaching me to pray unceasingly,
and literally giving your
life for your family.

Marty, Bill, and I all
miss you everyday;
your laugh, the unexpected wild remarks, your tears,
and the way you loved.

We still feel your presence with us though, as we live everyday life, you and dad, watching over us, cooking with us, praying with us, and still to this day
loving us, no matter what.

Three days after my mother’s passing on to a way better life, this butterfly showed up as I walked through Missouri Botanical Gardens with a friend. 

This Blue Morph followed us around for 45′ resting on our foreheads, our hands, and yes even our hearts. No doubt a message from my mom that she was very much ALIVE and ALREADY FREE.

Encouragement to go on living, letting LOVE, love me so I can live free now, so I can love myself and others, no matter what.





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