365 Pause Practices – Day 129


Let Your Mind Be A Clean Slate

The breath of Inspiration is clear and clears – This Peace is breathing in
you – breathe in This Peace.

Giving some space happens in your stepping back from yourself and all
that is happening in your mind. 
Spaciousness enters and lightens the load.

Your world is not going to suddenly fall apart if you take a moment or two
and allow awareness to spread out a fresh, clean, open space upon which
you may take a seat.
Be here.

pg. 22 Pause Yellow Book
Practice in Stepping Back: The decision to get out of my own way

I Am Practicing Stopping Taking Passing Thoughts So Seriously!

Saturday morning I was being bombarded with useless thoughts and I was valuing every one of them! I was fed up with this nonsense.

I paused, decided to step back from my crazy-making thinking self, and saw how meaningless these thoughts were, and how they were interfering not only with my peace of mind, but my ability to hear Helpful thoughts.

I DECIDED to stop paying so much attention to the same passing thoughts about nothing. As I did so, they floated away, out of my awareness. I let my mind become a clean, fresh slate.

As harassing chatter about the past, the future, the time, judging myself and others, and avoiding potential JOY begin to recede, I calmed down. Not only that, I received Wisdom about how to spend my time that day.

I had the most JOYOUS day of laughter, companionship, connecting, and miracles.





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