365 Pause Practices – Day 130


Inspiration is available every moment
of every day of every week of
every month of every year
for all of us! 

Today’s Pause Post is by Lisa and Natalie, the Pause Crew

A way we can connect with Inspiration in any situation is: we can Pause, get out of our own way, and ask, “Is there another way to see this?” “What would be truly helpful now?” Now is the important part – Following what Inspiration reveals to you in this moment.

Allow yourself a little willingness to let your mind be open to receive Inspiration. Inspiration can be received as thoughts, ideas, images, and in numerous other ways natural to each of us.  We all can receive Inspiration Within if we are willing to Pause.

We all have choices to make ALL the time with EVERYTHING. In one 24-hour day, there are 86,400 seconds. That gives us 86,400 possible opportunities to Practice Pause.  Seriously, we can take some of these opportunities to quiet the chatter, to let our minds be a clean slate, and to invite the Wisdom of Inspiration in. As with any practice, the more you Pause, Step Back, and Step Aside the easier it gets to Let Inspiration Guide. 





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