365 Pause Practices – Day 153


Total Freedom in Peace

Yesterday I did something I rarely do. I took a day off! Well, kind of.

We went to lunch! That’s about as close as I get. I practiced The Pause in my morning quiet, did household chores, and off we went!

After grocery shopping, when we got home last evening, two new Pause posts unexpectedly, without effort, flowed out!
So, I wrote this to all of you last evening.
~  ~  ~
I am feeling, even though I am on the computer later than I like, as I rest in Peace with you creating this post. like I have had an entire day off ~
because I have had a day of total freedom.

My mind is free. Throughout this day I am 
experiencing Absolute peace.

Mental chatter has ceased! Body stuff isn’t snapping at me. Even when three people ran a stop sign as it was my turn to pull out of the grocery parking lot and the third guy running the stop sign gave me the finger, I was like, “What?”

It was all so nonsensical that it didn’t matter. I noticed a little voice inside wanting it to matter; luring me into feeling unfairly treated, but the pull of Peace
was way stronger. And I felt mercy for this finger guy. 

What state of mind is he in to do such a thing?

The old me wanted to catch up with him and sneer. LOLOLOL
Yet, I have Peace. I am not going to question it, try to explain it,
take credit for it – look what I achieved – none of that.
I am giving thanks for this Peace. 

I have simply enjoyed this day and am now enjoying this evening as I rest here
quietly with you in an evening pause. It was fun today to laugh at other things people do that would normally irk me. Laughing is so much more fun and sometimes, even the person I feel irked by starts laughing too!

Thanks for remembering Peace with me right now. 

Imagine a world in which people remember being a part of Peace.

In Peace all things are possible.


may you find peace in your pausing





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