365 Pause Practices – Day 179


Incarcerated Persons Are Practicing Pause

Mary & The Pause Crew,

Greetings once again from Valley State Prison. May all be abounding in the Peace and QUIET of the Pause. I go there on an hourly basis it seems as I let go of that locked in cubicle sELF. Such a confused little entity I am when I

I-dentify with the CUBED ONE. As I step back, step aside, and let inspiration guide, I am set free. Thank you All So Much.

I have so much going on here with college, tutoring, daily groups, and Life. I have realized I am a little too busy. Is it possible to get (3) three more of THE 4 DECISIONS cards? I am going to be starting some new groups of about 5 to 6 people each and I would like to give a card to each participant. The 4 Decisions will always be a core practice for both groups. I memorized The 4 Decisions the first day I started PAUSE FOR INSPIRATION. 

I can’t express enough how much I appreciate all your help. I always wanted to serve others as well as benefiting myself, but I never really knew what to give. Now I know I give what I’ve been given – Love.

Much Appreciation for Pause Volunteers 

Grateful for all of our Pause volunteers showing up a few years ago now to package and post several hundred PAUSE PACKAGES to Incarcerated Persons. With the help of Joe Wolfe, a transformed ex-convict who taught Love, Wisdom, and Peace through how he lived his everyday life, PAUSE reached those we would have otherwise been unable to reach! Thanks Joe.

We received many letters of gratitude from incarcerated persons in return.





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