365 Pause Practices – Day 184


It wasn’t anything important anyway!

Shared by Lisa – A Pause Crew Member

My husband, Mark, and I were out on errands the other day. It was midday and Mark was hungry and like most – myself included – he was a little foggy-headed with a short attention span and not really “there”.

While in the car, we were chatting about nothing in particular – just filling the space really. I could tell he was not really “there”. I also noticed he was making the effort to be present by asking questions. 

He asked me a question and as I started to answer,
he interrupted!

What!  Seriously?!?  How dare he!

After his interruption, he asked, “What were you saying?”

With Mark in this hunger-induced “denseness,” I could feel that my response was going to be harsh and impatient. I felt my eyebrows draw in and felt my heartbeat surge. Irritation (my cubical mind) wanted to be in control of my response and not in a nice or helpful way!

I made the choice to Pause while I was driving and I got out of my own way by not letting irritation lead me to bad feelings (which would have then turned into a bad day and possibly a disruption in my relationship). 

I asked my Inspired Heart∞Mind, “What would be helpful right now?”

I heard, “Let it go! It wasn’t anything important anyway!”

I happily followed the advice I was given and I let it go! When Mark asked again what I had said, I simply said it was nothing and we started talking about our plans for the rest of the day. We had a lovely day too!

Just think; had I not Paused and asked for help with how I was going to respond, the day may have gone very badly!

Pausing for how, what, and when to respond saved the day!

Click on the card above to see the front & back of the card.
You may also wish to print or order it. 





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