365 Pause Practices – Day 187


Welcome Patience

who couldn’t use to be more patient?

We’ve all done this. Standing in line at the grocery store, and yep, I picked the wrong line.

So, we sigh, shake our heads, shuffle our feet, and look around to see if another line is moving more quickly. 

“Dare I take a chance and change lines?” 

It’s 50/50 odds at best. How many times have you changed lines only
to find the first line you were in has now speeded up? Here you ran a few people over high jumping to the “faster” line only to find that someone’s credit card isn’t working, or it’s a shift change for the cashiers!!! lololol

Patience is not something the cubicle mind understands. It boxes patience up within its time frame. “Okay,” it says, “I will be patient for five minutes, but that’s all!” Hmm. What’s the plan for when five minutes is up? Face it, there’s no plan except to become EVEN MORE IMPATIENT. The cubicle self is incapable of patience.


So, the cubicle mind may take a time-out but return to the scene of its impatience
with the same mindset, same feelings, and same judgments only to resume
practicing impatience. 
Nothing has really changed.


The direction to “Rest in Quiet Patience” in the Pause is given. 

Rest is the nature of Quiet.
Be with Quiet.
Find patience here.

All of The Pause Practices are practices in patience because
they are practices in stepping back from what has caused me to be impatient in the first place ~ my cubicle mind ~ and stepping into my Wisdom Mind.

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