365 Pause Practices – Day 207


Healing Your Energy Drain

be with it

I sit here today feeling drained of energy and I am wondering why.

Who am I kidding? I know why. Reading and watching the news a heaviness settled in my bones, sadness. 

I was fully equipped to clean up the flooding in our solarium today among other to-dos, but I don’t feel fully equipped to deal with this flood of sadness. I decide to Practice Pause, The 4 Decisions. During this Pause Practice, I was guided to simply lay my hands on my body while continuing with my Pause Practice.

I began at my feet placing one hand on top of my foot, one hand on the sole of my foot while quieting my thoughts with the words of Pause. 

Resting until I was guided to move to the other foot, continuing to 
rest for as long as I choose. My hands moved upward to the knees, belly, chest, neck, face, and top of my head, an easy flow of following healing guidance.

I won’t claim that the full weight of the heaviness has been lifted.

What I can share is that I received guidance to let myself
be with my experience, to ride it out, and not push it down to get on with my day. 

Yes, we each have things we must do today, yet while doing we can use specific words and phrases of Pause that we resonate with to help be with our experience.

I already feel lighter as I choose to “be with.”

Perhaps you will incorporate resting your gentle hands and open heart upon your body today ~ feet, ankles, knees, chest ~ it doesn’t matter, no special order or technique; simply let inner Wisdom guide you while pausing for peace of mind. 

No effort, no force.
Let Your Healer Within rest your mind, soften your heart, and
guide your hands.

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