365 Pause Practices – Day 210


An experience shared by Lisa – A Pause Crew Member

One of the household chores I dread doing is
I am super grateful to have a dishwasher but for some reason,
I have a block when it comes to
unloading and putting away the clean dishes. 

In my head, I have built this very simple, easy chore into something
more in line with climbing Mt. Everest!
I do not have time in my day to climb a mountain!

I was tired of feeling this weight every time the dishwasher
completed its cycle, so I paused and asked:

“Is there another way to see this?”
Answer from my Inner Wisdom ~ Yes, do the dishes by hand. Wash, Rinse, Dry, and Put away…[Well, okay. I am not going to do that ~ I detest hand washing dishes more than unloading the dishwasher…lol.]

so I paused again and asked:
“What would be truly helpful now?”

Answer from my Inner Wisdom ~ Set a timer and unload the
dishwasher to see just exactly how long it really takes.
Aha! Something I was willing to do! Following inspiration,
I set my timer and began unloading the dishwasher –
I did not go super-fast or slow,
just unloaded the dishwasher at a normal pace.

It only took me FIFTEEN MINUTES to completely unload the dishwasher.
It did not take the three hours that I had built it up in my head to take. 
Now, every time the dishwasher needs to be unloaded, I just do it.
It is only fifteen minutes after all!

By utilizing The Pause Practice with this simple chore, I was able
to not only ease my mind and remove unnecessary stress from my
day, but I also came into the awareness of just
how easy and Practical The Pause Practice can be!

What a wonderful re-Minder!

We all have opportunities to apply the Practical Pause Practice: 

someone or something that is
bothering us

something we keep putting off
for another day

someone we are having difficulty
communicating with

a project we are having trouble beginning

any activity or situation we
are anxious about

something that we feel
takes “forever” to do

Simply ask these two questions:

Is there another way to see this?”


What would be truly helpful now?”.

Pause. Ask. Listen. Follow.
It really is as easy as that!

Click on the card image to see the front and back of the card.

You may also wish to
download or print it. 





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