365 Pause Practices Day 249


The Answer to My Questions

Part I

Do You Wake Up With Stuff On Your Mind?

Mary Shares

I awoke one morning with some deeper life questions. Wondering about the
direction in my life, work, and healing in relationships. I pause and stop this baby
in its tracks before I start analyzing, figuring, and worrying! I receive guidance in this
pause to pause even more deeply. Deeper than those seemingly deep wonderings,
to go past those concerns that are on the forefront of my mind, lodged in my heart.
 Inspiration is not dismissing my questions, but rather leading me to a place where I
will find the helpful answers I need.

Traveling through my mind passing my initial questions on the trip and allowing
Inspiration to draw me closer to Itself. Essentially, what I receive is, “Mary, before
seeking answers to those questions, focus instead on healing within your mind.” 

 This struck me in the pause as making total sense! There is this cubicle mind
that worries, frets, and becomes anxious, fearful, sad, and even confused about its place in life.

The cubicle mind is sustained by thoughts of separation from LOVE and the
inevitable experiences that follow these thoughts and reinforce this warped belief
that I could ever be separate from LOVE ~ LOVE Who Is My Source.
The cubicle mind tends to feel that something isn’t right, something is missing, and
so its job is to fix what has gone wrong or prevent things from going wrong or play
hide n’ seek. Hide from what it thinks needs fixing and find what’s missing!!!

Being that the cubicle mind made up the game of Hide n’ Seek it is so
busy hiding and seeking that it never finds.
What would it find in that cubicle mind?

Direct Encounters with what I call
All~Encompassing LOVE continues to teach me that This LOVE IS THE ANSWER TO ALL MY QUESTIONS.

We are all called to deepen our journey into healing our belief of being
disconnected from This TOTAL LOVE WHO LOVES US ALL. 

It is not about trying to fix the cubicle mind though that is usually where we
begin our journey, and that’s okay. Gotta start somewhere. 

How about beginning here?

PAUSE . . . open to an inner calm
STEP BACK . . . give some space from worry, stress, emotions, judging
STEP ASIDE . . . open to receiving LOVE 
LET LOVE LOVE YOU . . . and guide you into an encounter with your True Self

There YOU Are





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