365 Pause Practices Day 254


Before Opening My Mouth

Sharing by Mary

You are not lacking in Love and Love is not lacking in you. Your unawareness of the
abundance of Love within you, within another, is the lack you feel. Call upon this
Inner Present Love. Draw from This Abundance as you are speaking and speak This
Abundance over others.

Pause Golden Book, “The 4 Decisions” page 21

Words You Can Use Before Speaking 

How many times have I wished I would have Paused for my True Self before words 
spilled out of my mouth. Even sometimes when I said to myself, “Don’t even dare
let these words make sounds or I’ll be sorry.” And bingo, there they came like a car
and train colliding on the tracks. NOOOOO.

Even the force of my ego mind’s pressure on myself to zip my mouth could not
hold me back. Out they came!!! Of course!

Because my false self cannot hold back itself, it can only devise an
alternate way of being and remaining its false self. 

There is Another Way.

Today I recommend simply quietly giving voice to the following words from our 
Pause For LOVE Practice  before
speaking anything, emailing anything, texting anything, posting anything . . . 

With this breath, I receive This LOVE,
With this breath I let This LOVE ~ love me.

Pause will not share your experience without your permission. When you share your
experiences of using Pause, no matter how little they may seem to you, you have no
idea the JOY you bring to our hearts and the power your shared experiences give in
encouraging us to keep on keeping on! LOVE CREATES LOVE.






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