365 Pause Practices Day 348


I owe him an apology!

Shared by Lisa

I was certain we had mice move into our house for the
winter and I asked my husband to take of it.
He keeps insisting that there are no mice
in our house but I can hear them at night.

As I was waiting for sleep to come last night, I heard
“them” again. I felt myself starting to get angry and
wanting to wake my husband to prove that I was right.
Instead, I Paused. In my Pause, I heard
to “really” listen to the noises to discern what they truly were.
So, I calmed my breathing and just listened.

As I cleared my perceptions of what I thought I was hearing,
the noises became clearer. I could hear that the source
of the noises was not inside the walls but inside the room.

As I continued to Pause, I listened more intently
and was able to pinpoint the source of the noises.

Funny thing ~ turns out it was not mice after all but a small picture
being disturbed by the wind of the fan I run at night
as I sleep. HA! I am so happy that I took the
time to Pause and did not wake my husband.
I owe him an apology!

Pause Golden Book pages 70 and 71

What a relief. What a relief to pause.

Pause instead of judge.
Pause instead of talk.
Pause instead of analyze.

The greatest obstacle to pausing is judging.
Judging is to place my cubicle beliefs, perceptions,
and experiences upon another and compare them to
what I perceive are that person’s cubicle beliefs,
perceptions, and experiences. Judging is full participation
in a cubicle affair. We all have a love affair with judgment
because we are having a love affair with our
cubicle self. The cubicle self walks a tightrope of
judgments, falling with each one and paying a great cost:
the ongoing experience of dispiritedness.

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