365 Pause Practices Day 356





As each and


snowflake is

one of a kind,

so is the

Inspired and

Inspiring YOU!

There Will Never Be Another You

I will always remember when I was 19 sitting with friends in our college
cafeteria, noise buzzing about and people perusing the college catalog
trying to figure out what major to declare. To this day, I distinctly remember
falling into a pause, and hearing the thought in my mind,

“There will never be another you.”

This thought and the impact it had on me would change the trajectory of
my entire life. I would never be satisfied with the status quo, letting others
choose for me, going along with the crowd, or
cramming myself into the cubicle mind.
Instead, I would pause, step back from inner and outer voices telling me
whom I must become, dive into listening to an inner Knowing,
and sometimes I would follow, and sometimes not.

Years later I am still learning the value of taking the time to
listen within to this Wisdom and Peace that is greater than what I am thinking,

yet still within me.





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