Pause For Your Mind Health
Pause For Your Mind Health
October is mental health awareness month.
NOTE: This is my experience. You will have yours.
Always seek the professional help you need.
Caring people are there for us!
Pause can simply be a Truly Helpful Practice.
Sharing by Mary
Thirty years ago I came face to face with my first mental health crisis. Something I thought happened to others, not me. It was precipitated by the loss of what felt like my entire life. Little did I know that what broke me to the core, turned out to be the beginning of an essential healing journey. The only way I made it through and out the other side was by:
Trusting that there is a Peace and a Knowing greater than what I am
yet still within me
Having lived through the darkness of depression and debilitating anxiety, I learned that depression and anxiety, at least for me, were not what I imagined them to be. I learned and am still learning that they manifest in ways I had not imagined and it varies with each individual.
We often do not recognize mind-health challenges in ourselves and others. As a result of misunderstanding the signs and symptoms, we think something is “wrong” with us and hide in shame, fear, and an overall sense of unworthiness to even exist. I focused on trying to fix myself because there must be something wrong with me! Why can’t I just get with the program?
When we or others struggle with our mind-health, we may judge ourselves and others as crazy, lazy, selfish, self-absorbed, a goodie two shoes, aloof, cold, narcissistic, mean, a bitch, thinks he/she is better than everyone else, a bad employee or friend, irresponsible, incapable, not good enough, a procrastinator, perfectionistic . . . the list goes on.
My mind-health challenges are an opportunity for me to
Pause for Help.
Getting whatever help I need.
I am grateful that I am Practicing the Pause with my mind-health
challenges and letting Inner Inspiration
Show me and remind me
of the glory of
who I am truly.
Showing me
how to let go of fear-driven expectations of myself and others
and how to practice compassion for myself and others
in the moment!
Wherever I am, whatever I am doing,
and whomever I am with.
Showing me
This LOVE that is always
Safe, Wise, Kind, and Truly Helpful and
Letting this LOVE, love me.
So I can love myself.
So I can love others.
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