365 Pause Practices – Day 84


Expressing Gratitude

who will I extend gratitude to today?

Only in our experience of truly resonating with Inspiration Within will one experience their complete trust in it; even then we will fall from trusting Inspiration from time to time. Be not afraid; Be Hopeful. Because until
one has their experience of resonating, developing trust in Inspiration is
still available to all of us ~ through GRATITUDE!

Lately, I have become more aware of the need to practice gratitude. As I
do so, I am grateful for the positive effect it is having on my mindset,
emotional stability, and following Inspiration’s guidance. Practicing
gratitude has a way of deepening our trust in Inspiration Within.

Expressing gratitude within, or to another, is acknowledging the
reality and power of Inspiration in your everyday life
(which increases your trust in Inspiration).

~ ~ ~
Gratitude is opening to an experience of seeing Inspiration
at work in the here and now ~
in the ordinariness of life.
page 30

Today I give gratitude to Orli,
a School Counselor, who is

truly motivated and inspired in caring for
students’ wellbeing.

She took the care and time to reach out to PAUSE
asking us to come to her elementary school to
share PAUSE with teachers, staff, parents, and students. YAY!!!
for learning PAUSE in an after-school program.

Teachers Can Pause

In a school assembly, students, and staff learned

Pause For Your Helpful Self ~ Kids Can Pause

It was wild and fun!

At a PTA meeting, parents learned

Parents Can Pause

PAUSE distributed FREE

T-shirts, Books, Practice Cards, and Wristbands to

teachers, parents, students, and staff.






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