365 Pause Practices – Day 118


Skidding Along With My Socks On!

I hear my father saying, “Mary, slow down.”

When I was growing up, my mother used to impatiently say about my
father, “He has one speed!” My dad would often say to me, “Mary, slow
down” as I was constantly rushing. I still am!!! 

I caught myself the other day skidding along with my socks on catching
my balance on the hardwood floors. Do you find yourself in a hurry to
go HERE and go THERE as quickly as possible so you can get back to
THIS and return to THAT as quickly as possible?


~   ~   ~

Inspiration Within is patiently teaching me that as I begin to
stop valuing rushing, I will begin experiencing the value of
slowing down to pause.


Slow down. Listening to the voice watching the clock telling you to
hurry up? Hmm. Start with slowing down. Even amid body motion the
mind can slow down, pause, and be still. The body often will follow. 
Even deciding to slow down your body motion is the decision to stop
valuing being in a hurry. It is not that we cannot move at a swift pace
and be present to Inspiration Within for certainly Inspiration is not
bound to time as we are. All moments in time are precious to LOVE for
they are the time for us to receive LOVE.

Slow down, my dear friend.

Complimentary Pause Yellow Book, pgs. 34-35





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