365 Pause Practices – Day 193


There is a section in the Pause Golden Book entitled, 
LIVING HEALTH pages 51 – 79.
People have shared that it’s their favorite part of the book.
Here is an excerpt that contains the quote above.

LIVING HEALTH IS not about appearances

Living Health is living life from the Inside out. We tend to live life the other way
around – from the outside in – that is, from appearances, and then we ingest
appearances and wonder why we feel sick or off or disconnected or out of
touch. Or perhaps we feel nothing at all.

Are you out of touch with the inside of you?
Are you living your life from the outside in or the Inside out?

Caught Up In Appearances

Where have you been appearing lately? Would you rather be real instead of
being an appearance? You have to be willing to connect with this Inside
Self. How? Pause For Inspiration. Long pauses, short pauses, daytime pauses,
nighttime pauses, still pauses, moving pauses, body pauses ~ 
PAUSE already!

LIVING HEALTH is the willingness to check in.

Heart Petals, Checking In

The value of Pause as a way to connect with one’s Inside Self, this wise inner knowing, is immense. Pause looks simple at first glance, and thankfully it is; simple and easy to use in ordinary life. Yet in all of its simplicity Practicing The Pause can lead you on a trek of your inner landscape through which you can wander, learn, and receive long-sought truly helpful answers to your questions. Putting Pause into practice can open us to the petals of the heart.





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