365 Pause Practices – Day 209


Feeling Apprehensive, Anxious, or Awkward?

The Pause Practice is a good practice to use in any situation!

Shared by Natalie

You’ve heard the old adage, “once bitten twice shy”. Maybe it guides you in your life – like it has in mine. Sometimes people will say or do things that will disappoint us, and regardless of how long we’ve known them, we may become apprehensive, anxious, or awkward going forward when dealing with them. This happens to me and I’d really like to change it. I realize that this reaction holds me back and gets in the way of my Peace.

So, I ask myself, how can I shake, or change, this ego response I have toward others? I decide to sit quietly in a Pause, and do my best to be patient, to see what answer(s) may show up. I find that just quieting my mind helps a great deal. It helps to stop the inner dialogue that is playing in my mind surrounding the situation. 

Then, when I am relaxed and quiet, I ask my Inner Wisdom, “how can I see this person differently right now?” At the same time, I keep my goal of Peace at the forefront of my mind. 

I desire to be open, forgiving,
loving and present
in all of my relationships,
holding onto nothing,
especially feelings of apprehension or distrust.

As I sit quietly and listen, Inspiration Within tells me to look at this person through the eyes of INSPIRATION. I follow this guidance by imagining this person in my mind and began to look at them with Inner LOVE.

I Paused in this moment,
resting in the experience.

Then, Inspiration Within reminded me that this is how INSPIRATION also looks upon & within me. I began to fill up with this LOVE. Inner Healing was upon me, for me, and then also between me and this other person.

We each have this Inspiration, this Love, Within us,
to guide us in situations
where we desire to be helpful and connected to others
(and to let go of the ego reaction that shows up sometimes).

From the Pause Golden Book, Pages 24-26:

We can put forth our questions,
thoughts, and/or concerns.
Rest in Quiet Patience for
Inspiration Within to Guide.
All of Love Awaits You,
when you give this moment to Inspiration Within. 

Click on the book above to download and read it.https://2jle18.a2cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/PauseForInspiration.pdf





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