365 Pause Practices – Day 219

365 Pause Practices – Day 219


The Rhythm of Breath

an opportunity for you to practice & have an experience that is yours to receive for you ~

I am grateful that I am taking the time for this,
for myself, for the world,
as we all breathe together one big sigh of relief. 

Keep in mind that I am sharing my experience. Your experience of pausing and
observing your breath will be specific to you. No need to attempt to replicate
my experience thus missing out on your gift designed for you to receive. I emphasize
this because LOVE is providing each person with a way for her/him to follow, and
we don’t want to miss it by hopping on someone else’s path!

~   ~   ~

The other night, to help with winding down, I decided to pause from reading, tv, to
be with my breath. Sitting in bed, the room dark, I closed my eyes and began
observing my breath. I appreciate how we can come to each new moment anew,
without trying to repeat the past or meet long-held expectations, but rather
meeting this new moment.

That’s a gift we all have been given, the capacity to meet each new moment
anew. Being with our breath can help us greet this
Newness that is available in a Pause.

As I begin being with my breath, I am rejuvenated almost immediately, feeling free
from time and thinking! I notice being with my breath more deeply than ever
before. Hearing intricacies I have never heard, they are exciting, like the sounds of
various instruments playing. I want to hear more, and I do! I contact an undercurrent of breath,
a breath perpetually undisturbed. A foundational breath stabilizing all breaths that are being breathed. Then atop this 
Foundational Stabilizing Breath, I observe a small breath that is trembling, vibrating, like an instrument.

Hmm, I wondered, what’s that? My cubicle mind wanted to jump in there to analyze, worry, stir up emotions, and interrupt my simple pausing to be with my breath.


In a pause, which IS an undisturbed flow of tranquility, I notice the will of the cubicle mind asserting itself, wanting to
do its job because after all, that’s what the cubicle mind does, its job! On some level, even the cubicle mind wants to
“help”, or shall I say “fix” what’s “wrong”.

Yet, in this tranquil pause, there is clearly nothing to fix, nothing wrong, rather a
clear choice to simply be with the Undercurrent and the trembling. In Stepping Back
from the ego’s pull to analyze, to fix, to worry, I feel as though I am being given a
great gift of some kind, a mystery is being unveiled. I am being gifted with the
release of what feels to be the remnants of something past, perhaps a crisis or moment of
extreme stress, now feeling safe enough in LOVE’s Pauseful Presence,
to come to the surface, to be seen, be heard, felt, healed, and let go.
LOVE IS THE GIFT, LOVE IS GIFTING. I choose to receive the gift with continual pausing to be with my breath.

My breath returns anew to this Foundational Breath ~ a peaceful, stabilizing
rhythm upon which I can now find deeper rest. 

I am grateful that I am taking the time for this,
for myself, for the world,
as we all breathe together one big sigh of relief. 





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