365 Pause Practices – Day 221


What do I really want in all of my relationships?

Peace? Keep reading.

The cubicle heart÷mind is all about the
past, holding onto past mistakes,
yours, mind, and ours, building up
resentments and grievances galore,
and stuffing them in next year’s holiday
stockings, the junk drawer, and almost
always the body! Yep, the body takes
the blows of the cubicle mindset.

What is our access code out of this nightmare?


like the kind of pause in the space between
two breaths that connects one breath to the
next ~ inhale∞exhale

The cubicle self is in such a deep state
of sleeping and dreaming that it is
unaware of the space between the breaths.

Now, the cubicle self tends to hold its
breath, so instead of a space between
the breaths it generally finds itself
gasping for its next breath ~ and, well
there goes any hope of

Pause Golden Book pg. 228

Why do we need to be Truly Helpful in all relationships?


To come to know our Inspiring Self Heart∞Mind.

Why do we need to know our Inspiring Self Heart∞Mind?
To experience Peace.

Why do we need to experience Peace?
To put an end to pain and suffering of all kinds.

Why do we need to put an end to pain and suffering?
To discover what is beneath it.

Why do we need to discover what is beneath it?
Because what is beneath it is YOU!

Have you been looking for your Self?
Your Inspired Self? 

Have you been practicing the
Inspiring HeartMind Dance?

Pause ~ Step Back ~ Step Aside ~
Let Your Inspired Self Guide?

Nobody dances like our Inspired Self.

Pause Golden Book pg. 237

One-to-One Relationships can go from hazardous
collisions to One Heart Helping. Get up and Dance! It’s
only 4 steps folks!!! … and don’t tell me you don’t dance
because I’ve seen you when nobody is looking.





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