Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices – Day 95

  ONE ~ THE BREATH I shared on Sunday's Pause Post about "The Faces of Inspiration".THE BREATH is ONE of these FACES andIS a POWERFUL ENTRY POINT INTO THE PAUSE ~ Do you ever listen to your breath? It reflects the Quiet Whisper of Inspiration. Being present with our natural breathing...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 94

  Grateful to Mary Kirkou for the above artwork on most posts! The Grace of Gratitude practicing gratitude re-MINDed me of SOMETHING ESSENTIAL In my quieting pause this morning, gratitude filtered its way into my beingness! It was quite exciting.Sure I consider myself a grateful personand in this pause, I...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 93

  Inspiration Is Universal The Faces of Inspiration are Many, Including Yours No one is without Inspiration as Inspiration is with us from our beginning; caressing the faces of all, showering its Peace upon them. In friends and foes, in all kinds, lie the Faces of Inspiration. "Be willing...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 92

  Remember Being A Kid? Sometimes I feel like a kid ~ for better or for worse! Childhood. Sure, some of it we would just as soon forget. I REMEMBER: summer breezes in my hair on my bike flying down a hill smelling my mother's authentic Italian cooking splashing our bare feet...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 90

  Pause Is A Present HOPE Hope is experiencing that all is well right now ~not because of something spectacular that you haveaccomplished in your past or have yet to accomplish,rather because of the Something Spectacularthat is accomplishing itself in 13 Pause Yellow Book Hungry for Hope? Hope...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 87

  Step Aside The decision to invite Inner Stillness to Help Allow stillness to replace the chatter. Rest in quiet patience. Open to receiving Stillness. Put forth your questions, thoughts, feelings, and concerns about anyone, anything appearing large or small, important or seemingly unimportant. Am I willing to ask Inner Stillness: "Is there...

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