Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices – Day 149

  Weekend Activities? Pause! Sports & Fitness Joe uses The Pause because he knows it improves his tennis. How can Pause help you with fitness and fun? The Power of Pausing Kids & Grandkids? Kids and parents and grandparents can learn how to Practice The Pause by reading this book!Happy the...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 148

  how about an evening pause? PAUSEI am willing to rest wherever I am, whatever I am doing,and whoever I am with.RETREATI am willing to retreat from unhelpful perceptions that bringdiscord within myself and with others.BREATHEI begin by noticing my breath just as it is. I don't need...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 146

  An Opportunity to tell your friends about Pause. They Can CHOOSE to Receive a Daily Pause Too!  FORWARD THIS EMAIL and THEY CAN CLICK HERE thank you a life of self-absorptionoran extraordinary ordinary life    ~   ~   ~   If you are still reading this, congratulations, as it means you are willing to be more...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 144

  You Have A Mentor Within ask your questions and receive answers always safe, wise, kind, and truly helpful answers Got questions?Here are some possible examples: What shall I do first?Oops, forgot my grocery list - what do we need?Okay, how can I solve this problem?Is there a truly helpful...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 141

  I AM WILLING TO RECEIVE INSPIRATION Opening to Inspiration Within is willingness. There isnothing you need to make happen. Simply be willing. Inwillingness, your whole being comes into Inspired Alertness,a restful, awakened state. Your slumbering replaced witha purposeful decision to receive Inspiration. Unfold anyclenching—open. Seeing your cares and...

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