Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices – Day 52

  art by Mary Kirkou NO MATTER WHAT! In my quiet morning pause I received: Your worth is not measured by the world - worldly success. In fact, your worth is not measured at all, for only LOVE knows your true value. SHARE THIS POST     RECEIVE A DAILY PAUSE PICK TODAY'S PAUSE...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 50

  Artwork by Mary Kirkou little, edgy nowhere mind I trust you will beThe little me-character "cubicle heart ÷ mind" DECIDED TO DECLINE LOVE and go off on its own. Now, feeling boxed off from LIFE, it freaks out, feels uncomfortable, unworthy, but not sure why, and then...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 49

  Artwork by Mary Kirkou Everyone Is Worthy of a Pause Including YOU ~ I truly hope you find time to read this! I trust you will be encouraged, inspired, and healed by your experiences of pausing and realizing that everyone is worth a pause. WHAT ONE PAUSE CAN DO Bill and Mary I have never...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 48

  Artwork by Mary Kirkou I Gotta Do What? Love others. How Does LOVE love? Through you! We hear talk about how the world needs more loving people. What are we all waiting for? Some special people to show up who are specially equipped to love? (page 74). No worries, this is not an...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 47

  Investing 101 ~ Invest in LOVE Above artwork: Mary Kirkou How much are you worth? Cubicle me-character givers and takers are incapable of answeringthis question. Those who think of themselves as "givers" underestimate their worth. Those who admit they are more "takers" overestimate their worth. All the while it...

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