Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices – Day 116

  Finding Life Pausing and Letting LOVE ~ love me, I received this timeless message from inner Inspiration. Though it came long ago, this morning it renewed my mind again, quite by surprise, and I am thankful for the renewal. Hope, in your letting LOVE ~ love you that you also...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 115

  A Chorus of JOY JOY may seem almost blasphemous or feel inappropriate amid the pain and suffering in our world. Yet, upon pausing this morning to be with inmost Inspiration, Wisdom re-Minds my Heart to leap for JOY continually. JOY OVERCOMES While there are atrocities being committed by minds that know...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 113

  Pause for Self~Care allowing myself to receive LOVE so I can Love myself Self~Care has always been a challenge for me. In this morning's Pause Practice of The 4 Decisions, I felt INspired that today's post would be on Self~Care. Great! Then I heard Inspiration Within say,"You can...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 112

  This Is The One Thing Your Ego Won't Do! PAUSE IS A PRACTICE In my experience of observing myself and others, the cubicle heart÷mind (ego) is willing to read about Inspiration, talk about "love", go to workshops, retreats, classes, programs, etc. on awakening, enlightenment, faith, meditation, prayer, being more neighborly, pain, suffering, forgiveness, goal...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 111

  What These Youth Learned and What I Am Still Learning From Being With These Truly Creative Teens Grateful for these youth who participated in a 6-week Pause Training. To say they have all had challenging lives thus far is an understatement. One way they experienced using PAUSE was...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 107

  IN JOY A BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY In the Mind of JOY The following PEARL Practice was received while writing the book and can be found on page 341 of the Pause Yellow Book. [complimentary pause yellow book download] I am sharing the PEARL Practice with you today because after using...

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