Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices Day 257

  Static Cling, Grime, Goop & Gossip Shared by Mary The past can cling to us like static cling! Have you ever been having a perfectly fine day and then someone comes along and brings up something from your past, a mistake, a misfortune, a poor decision, an error in...

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365 Pause Practices Day 254

  Before Opening My Mouth Sharing by Mary You are not lacking in Love and Love is not lacking in you. Your unawareness of the abundance of Love within you, within another, is the lack you feel. Call upon this Inner Present Love. Draw from This Abundance as...

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365 Pause Practices Day 253

  Transformative Power of Gentleness Answer to My Questions Part II"in a deeper pause, I hear to be gentle with myself" Shared by Mary Today I am drawn to share the practice of gentleness with you. Admittingly, it is not a practice with which I am very familiar! My...

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365 Pause Practices Day 249

  The Answer to My QuestionsPart I Do You Wake Up With Stuff On Your Mind? Mary Shares I awoke one morning with some deeper life questions. Wondering about the direction in my life, work, and healing in relationships. I pause and stop this baby in its tracks before...

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365 Pause Practices Day 248

  Quieting Quieting is the practice of using one of the Pause Practices on the 3x5 practice cards for a longer period (5 - 20 minutes) while sitting and resting comfortably. The purpose is to quiet the mind, calm emotions, and rest the body as preparation to practice being willing to...

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365 Pause Practices Day 245

  THE GREAT EXCHANGE by Mary How can Practicing Pausing for your inner Wisdom be of service to you (and others) when you're having a bad day?Earlier this week I woke up in a negative frame of mind. I paused for Help from my Inner Helper. The self-sabotaging...

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365 Pause Practices Day 241

  Fear of Being LOVED Truly Shared by Mary Through the process of observing my own mind and heart and listening to the minds and hearts of others, I see a commonality ~The fear of being LOVED Truly.The fear associated with coming into the awareness of who you...

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365 Pause Practices Day 224

  ~Pause~Invite InspirationWithin to Help ~Shared by Natalie~ I can’t seem to let go of things sometimes,little nit-picky things,that I hold onto tightly in my mind. Giving my ego something to do,trying to sort it all out,when there’s really nothing to "sort out" at all.The Light comes on and...

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365 Pause Practices Day 223

  When I Help Myself, I Help the World  ~Shared by Natalie~ Living in this world we experience challenges, mishaps, knee scrapes, disappointments, and other such things. We also experience great Joys, abundant Love, connections, and opportunities. At times, it may seem like life is a balancing act...

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