Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices Day 360

  Scrooge or Clarence? In the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" we meet Mr. Potter, Bedford Fall's town Scrooge, and Clarence, George's guardian angel. A stark contrast indeed! Mr. Potter is desperate to manufacture a worldly life that is all about satisfying his vampire-sucking greed. Of course,...

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365 Pause Practices Day 359

  PAUSE FOR LIGHT Even in the greatest darkness, there is an even Greater Light. Sharing by Mary PAUSE FOR LIGHT PAUSEThere is a LIGHT that shines upon you,A LIGHT that IS Always with you.No matter what.Pause and simply be with this LIGHT.OPEN TO LIGHTThere is nowhere this LIGHT is...

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365 Pause Practices Day 357

  The Riches of Inspiration Mary shares You will be rich when you stop clothing your mind in rags. Rags =the little thoughts of the dispirited cubicle self causing dispiritedness. To be dispirited is to be unaware of your True Nature.Are you tired of having raggedy thoughts ~ "rags"?...

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365 Pause Practices Day 356

  SNOWMAN SAYS IT'S TIME TO PAUSE! As each andevery snowflake is one of a kind, so is the Inspired and Inspiring YOU! There Will Never Be Another You I will always remember when I was 19 sitting with friends in our college cafeteria, noise buzzing about and people...

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365 Pause Practices Day 354

  Embarking Upon a Life Worth Living Mary Shares Be an alive and well human being living your purpose.Be who you truly are, and do what is yours to do.Helping and Healing yourself and others,all in a pause. USE A PAUSE PRACTICE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS LIKE THESE: 1) How am...

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365 Pause Practices Day 346

  Is Pause Useful In Business? we are all one another's customers Mary Shares PAUSE IS FULLY APPLICABLE IN COMMERCE Pause Golden Book, page 62 Business cannot be held apart from Inspiration Within. Well, it can, but look at the result. Cubicle "partnerships", "takeovers", "liquidations", "bail-outs" etc. Sounds like a bad...

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365 Pause Practices Day 345

  Voices of Dispiritedness pause for another way Mary Shares Sometimes the "voice of dispiritedness" will creep into my mind or come through the words of another. It will say, Why do you bother doing what you do with PAUSE? You're not doing any good.The world is not getting any...

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365 Pause Practices Day 344

  PAUSE IS A PRESENT HOPEHelp put HOPE INTO ACTION Can you donate JUST $5 to PAUSE FOR INSPIRATION? Seeking 200 donors. Regardless of the amount, your contribution helps people all over the world learn to Practice The Pause.Wherever we are, whatever we are doing &whomever we...

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