Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices Day 296

  when you get yourself all tangled up in knots, remember thatyou are Already Freeremember? It is already happening.You are already free.Pause for Inspiration.Be Willing to Receive Inspiration.Listen.Respond.Follow Inspiration.Now,Give Thanks.Pause Golden Book, page 353~   ~   ~I am already free,I need only remember.I pause to remember I am already free.I step...

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365 Pause Practices Day 295

  The Purpose of LOVE Sharing by Mary Today as I practiced Pause For LOVE, the part of the practice onLOVE OTHERS served as an answer to an inner question.In the Pause, I was guided to Love and to do so by calling a specific friendat that moment. She answered the...

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365 Pause Practices Day 292

  Your True NatureISYour Inner Sunshine sharing by mary I have experienced True Nature days, so I know they are possible.In fact, they have been my most productive, joyful days in the world.Unlike the cubicle nature, our True Nature is quite the creative being and the Spirit of creation...

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365 Pause Practices Day 291

  self ~ importance roadblock to true happiness shared by mary When we hear the word "humility", we often misunderstand it to mean: > let people walk all over me > get used to being the victim > keep your mouth shut, don't say anything > don't interrupt by asking questions > my life...

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365 Pause Practices Day 290

  Smoothie LOVE the business of a pauseshared by mary Last week I'm at our local OR JUICE & SMOOTHIE and the customer ahead of me was being impatient. I reached into my purse, pulled out a PAUSE FOR LOVE PRACTICE card, and shared it with the owner after ordering my...

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365 Pause Practices Day 284

  There Are a Gazillion ReasonsWe Refuse to Pause ~Here are Eight! shared by mary I Got This! Pausing will only slow "me" down baby"I GOT THIS" IS TAKING YOUR EYE OFF THE BALL. That's exactly what we're saying to ourselves when we're stuck in pride. Sports stars drop...

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365 Pause Practices Day 283

  Helping Kids Find Inner Calm Parents, Grandparents, Teachers, School Nurses & Counselors, and Kids are COLLABORATING with Pause For Your Helpful Self. Your Helpful Self is always Safe, Kind, Wise, and Truly Helpful. School Nurse & Mom Teaches Her Son PAUSE I realized that my interventions sometimes made things worse...

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365 Pause Practices Day 282

  Message of  PEACE sharing & photo by mary Peace in our midstis here to beholdsharing its glances even in the bitter cold.We may not recognize Peace with our body's eyes and all,but Peace sees us and hears our weary call.And when we let Peace inlet Peace sit by...

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365 Pause Practices Day 281

  Embrace of Trees The seeming foreverness of treesdrawing my attention towardsinner ~ outer Peacea simultaneous unioneach reflecting the otherinner ~ outer ~ innerTrees appearingeach onewith a trunk of its ownyet somehow embodying a connection with each othereach being their part, rooted andconnected insideone eartha forest of...

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