Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices Day 313

  Moving the Needle "to shift the situation in some area, activity, sphere, etc. to anoticeable degree"Sharing by Mary Are you looking for a helpful inner~outer helpful shift of some kind?Perhaps ? ? ?> Valuable ways to spend your time> Being merciful with a person who doesn't seem...

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365 Pause Practices Day 310

  A Matter of the Heart sharing & photo by mary Inspiration Inspires a knowing — this knowing happens because we are experiencing integration; we have moved from “understanding” a part of something to experiencing the whole. How does this happen? Through doing; that is, it is one...

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365 Pause Practices Day 306

  Wednesday Willingness sharing by mary . . . have fun No one can have your experience for you. We can read all kinds of books, attend all kinds of seminars, conferences, and workshops, andbelong to special communities, but it is your willingness to open toyour experience of Inspiration...

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365 Pause Practices Day 302

  Inspiration's Peace Is Always Present,Always Being Given a saturday evening pausesharing by mary There are moments in which I may experience that inner Inspiration has abandoned me. It may be a sense of isolation, boredom, or dispiritedness. Hmm, where did Inspiration go? Even in those moments, hours, or...

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365 Pause Practices Day 297

  Can Inner Wisdom Screw Things Up? Sharing by Mary Yesterday (and today, so far) I paused and followed my inner Wisdom.Wow, what a glorious day!!! How come I don't do this more often?lol lol.Hesitant to follow my inner Wisdom because I wanted a really good day and what...

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365 Pause Practices Day 296

  when you get yourself all tangled up in knots, remember thatyou are Already Freeremember? It is already happening.You are already free.Pause for Inspiration.Be Willing to Receive Inspiration.Listen.Respond.Follow Inspiration.Now,Give Thanks.Pause Golden Book, page 353~   ~   ~I am already free,I need only remember.I pause to remember I am already free.I step...

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365 Pause Practices Day 295

  The Purpose of LOVE Sharing by Mary Today as I practiced Pause For LOVE, the part of the practice onLOVE OTHERS served as an answer to an inner question.In the Pause, I was guided to Love and to do so by calling a specific friendat that moment. She answered the...

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