Author:Mary Lenihan

Pause Light ~ Both Feet In

  Both Feet In Sharing by Mary ~ Serenity and Sanity I began this new year with a truly eye-opening experience.An experience, that I can only call A MIRACLE! If I choose to fully receive this miracle so that I may live it,it guarantees daily serenity and sanity. In...

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Pause to Receive ~ Across the Bright

  Across the Bright Sharing by Mary I am by no means a poet, writer, or author.I am simply choosing to Pause for Inspirationthroughout an ordinary day.I notice what I hear, see, and experience.Passing it along to you. Peace Be With Us All Across The Bright When our light burns bright,shining...

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Why Bother Being Truly Helpful?

  Why Donate To Pause For Inspiration?Please, Continue Scrolling Down to See the Value! WNYHOO-NOW! acronym for World Needs Your Help One-to-One - NOW! d/b/a Pause for Inspiration is a nonprofit public charity up and running since 2008. We share a practice in Accessing Your~Our Higher Mind...

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Touching In – Family Angst?

  Family Angst? Waiting for the minestrone soup that I kept hearing in my mind to order to go, but didn't know why, a woman sitting quietly next to me at the bar finishing aglass of wine, strikes up a conversation eventually saying, "I am fed up...

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Touching In – Pause Is My Yoga

  PAUSE IS MY YOGA Mary shares a recent personal experience showing how Inspiration guides each of usuniquely and very specifically.Will we follow? I heard within from my Inner Knowing, "PAUSE IS YOUR YOGA". I knew this was true the moment I received it. In one pause, we...

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Touching In – The Kid In You

  For the Kids You Know and the Kid in You! Sharing by Mary ~ This is our KIDS CAN PAUSE Practice, yet I find it extremely helpful to use on the days when I am on the verge of a temper tantrum, that self-critical voice takes...

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Touching In – Certainty of Purpose

  Mary Shares "Trust what is unseen in this moment and you will someday rejoicein what you see." Pause Golden Book p. 21 What do you tend to choose? Left to my own devices I tend to choose doing over resting. When I received Pause For Inspiration in...

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