Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices – Day 76

  How Can I Help the Ukrainians and Russians? "You can love." This is the answer I receive when I Pause for Inspiration,asking, "How can I help the Ukrainians and Russians?" Perhaps your question is somewhat different, so ask your question. I feel out of my comfort zone watching...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 75

  My Inspired Self Goes to theTax Office! Your Inspired Self ISDIRECT and CLEAR Not confused, hence it is not here to confuse.Not fearful, so it does not cause fear.Not a shrinking violet, hence it does not hide its light under a bushel. CONFUSION, FEAR & MAKING YOURSELF SMALL...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 74

  The Illusion of Progress What's the Plan for You? Sometimes what appears to be two steps forward according to the world's standards, is two steps back. As Co-founder/creator and Facilitator for Pause For Inspiration, I work six days a week and wear many hats! When I use The...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 73

  Transformed While Making a Smoothie? We hear the word "transformation" thrown around a lot. Transform your relationships, your marriage, your body, your kitchen! Hmm. To be transformed is to be in the presence of LOVE. LOVE is new every moment we touch it. I cannot speak for...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 70

  What Is Gratitude For? Not until I began practicing GRATITUDE did I seehow the JOY it brings recharges my energy for the day.GRATITUDE CAN GET LOST IN OUR DAILY SHUFFLEYET,A PAUSE for GRATITUDE is a CLICK ON "REFRESH". She Still Fills My Heart with GRATITUDE This free heart...

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