Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices – Day 36

Simple, Uncomplicated LOVE I Paused For LOVE this afternoon because I had become aware of a "wall" in my mind that was interfering with helpful communication - both understanding and feeling understood. In the Pause, I pulled out my legal pad and wrote the words, "simple,...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 34

What a relief. What a relief to pause. Pause instead of judge. Pause instead of talk. Pause instead of analyze. The greatest obstacle to pausing is judging (pg. 70). The Question Is This We all judge. Before my judging begins or as I notice my judging is in full swing, I...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 33

Stop Turning Ridiculousness Into More Ridiculousness  WORRY! Worry is mistakenly viewed as a way to protect myself from harm. All safety begins in the mind. A mind at peace is a mind that is safe. As feelings of vulnerability arise, be open to Inspiration living inside of me...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 30

Direct Link to Complementary Pause Book How Can Feelings Help You? page 16 Fretting over stones in one's path is like wishing fruit did not have seeds. Seeds have value in that they bring forth the fruit. Feelings have value. Turning them over to Inspiration Within reveals their...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 29

FEELINGS living life at the mercy of one's feelings is like living life on a limb page 16 New Link for Pause Yellow Book Your strongest urges are seen in how you feel. Making one's feelings the authority over life and day-to-day decisions is a path that puts many stones...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 27

MIRACLE HEALING OF JEALOUSY not only a women's thing Following Up on Yesterday's Pause As Promised! Whether it's jealousy towards another woman in my heart or picking up on another woman being jealous of me and I have no idea why, jealousy is a painful experience. I feel...

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