Author:Mary Lenihan

365 Pause Practices – Day 170

  Nonsense, Fufu, Pollyanna B.S. Fortune Teller Trickster I can hear some people thinking, "These Pause emails are a bunch of nonsense. Wake up to the real world honey!" I understand that perspective. After all, that reflects the status quo woe of the cubicle mind feeling trapped in...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 168

  Being Truly PresentAn Experience shared by Natalie, a Pause Crew Member The other day I was standing at the sink washing my handswhen this truly peaceful feeling came over me.I realized that I was experiencing a feeling ofbeing completely in the present moment.I don’t know how...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 164

  A Monday Evening Pause A Pause for Winding Down pausewith this breath I allow myself to slow down reflectwith this breath, I notice my feelings about the dayI give these feelings space to breathewith this breath, I notice any lingering thoughts about the dayI let these thoughts have...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 163

  Hope is Alive in Inspiration Shared by Natalie, a Pause Crew Member My passport expired last year and renewals were handled online and through the mail, so in November I sent my expired passport and the necessary personal documents to the passport processing center to request a...

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365 Pause Practices – Day 162

  photo by mary lenihan Being You Fill in the blank with your name as you say Being __________ ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~ What Is It To Be You?  How Will You Find Out? A late afternoon walk through our neighborhood on this blessed not-so-hot June day, I hear Inspiration whisper, "Being Mary". This is not...

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