365 Pause Practices – Day 195
From the Pause Golden Book pages 29-30
Here It Is
You distrust Inspiration Within because you have forgotten the “Within” part. You believe in an Inspiring Love, or not, that is somehow on the outside – somewhere outside of you waiting to rain down on your head.
That is an untruth. The truth is that Love lives inside of you ~ Believe this or do not believe this.
The fact is, in this life, you will either come to hate/fear Love
because you have not been willing to come to know Love
you will be indifferent toward Love ~ which is the
same as hate/fear
you will come to Love.
Only in your experience of truly resonating with Inspiration Within
will you experience your complete trust in it; even then you will
fall from trust from time to time. Be not afraid. Until you have this experience, trust is still available to you—through gratitude. Gratitude
has a way of deepening our trust in Inspiration Within. Expressing gratitude within or to another is acknowledging the reality and power of Inspiration in your everyday life.
Gratitude is opening to an
experience of seeing Inspiration at work in the here and now—
in the ordinariness of life.
Practice gratitude to increase trust.
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As a note: the Pause Golden Book does not need to be read from beginning to end.
Sometimes simply opening it anywhere and reading a sentence, a paragraph, or a
page or two, can prove helpful and just what is needed in the moment.
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