365 Pauses

365 Pause Practices – Day 145


“Move in the Direction of Peace” pg 276

An experience shared by Natalie, a Pause Crew Member

Each of us can have our own Pause experience. Here is mine today….

In my quiet time this morning as I was Pausing, I started drifting between wonderful waves of Peace and thoughts of this cute little jacket I saw in a flyer I received yesterday. It had lemons on it. This lemon jacket was so cute, but now it was disrupting my pause!

I am amused by the silly thoughts that creep into my mind when I get quiet. When this happens, I take a couple deep breaths and allow stillness to replace the chatter, focusing on my breath as needed.

I remind myself that above all else, I desire to have a mind at Peace.

When I sit in quiet time (Pausing), I go through the 4 Decisions in my mind, one-by-one, as I am moved to proceed. I experience my calm, quiet mind before moving to the next step.

As I step back, I visualize myself literally taking a step backward and letting my thoughts just float by. When I notice them drifting on, I’m aware that I’m getting out of my own way in this moment. This allows room for Another Way. There is no hurry, no rush, no force.

As I step aside in my mind, I step to the right, which brings an open space to my left. This is also my heart space. This space becomes illuminated, bright and open.

Let Inspiration Guide – I sit still and welcome the willingness to choose my Inspired Mind. The Wisdom of Inspiration reveals answers to my questions and I receive guidance to follow meaningful direction.

I Give Thanks

    “Inspiration’s Peace of Mind is Always Ours to Choose” pg 37

To Pause for Inspiration, click on the card above to see the front and back of the card. You can also print or order it. 
Click on the Pause Yellow Book above to read and download for free.





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365 Pause Practices – Day 144


You Have A Mentor Within

ask your questions and receive answers

always safe, wise, kind, and truly helpful answers

Got questions?
Here are some possible examples:

What shall I do first?
Oops, forgot my grocery list – what do we need?
Okay, how can I solve this problem?
Is there a truly helpful way to say this?
What questions do I need to ask to get the info needed?

What am I not seeing?

Should I do this or that, or neither?
What shall I eat?
How can I best wind down for bedtime?
What would be some wise ways for me to exercise?
How can I get along with _______?
What are some ways I could take better care of myself?
This person is being rude and impatient; how can I respond?
Are there better ways I can use my time?
What do I truly value? Does how I spend my time reflect who I truly am?


Ask Your Mentor Within

your inner wise voice is patiently awaiting your attention





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365 Pause Practices – Day 143


Inspiring the Dispirited

sometimes that’s me

Walking along the beach in February 2009, I began an inner conversation with inner Inspiration, whom I also think of as The Mentor Within. My whole life I wanted a mentor, but could never find one until I found one within.

As I was contemplating a new direction in my work in the world, I paused for Inspiration. Inspiration showed up alongside me as if a new acquaintance and we began getting to know one another. Here’s the conversation:

“So, what do you do for a living?” asks The Mentor Within.

In a pause I found my Self talking out loud without thinking, “I run a mission for The Mentor Within and we inspire the dispirited.” “What did I just say?”” I thought.

Yes, The Mentor Within asked me the question though already knowing the answer to my inner questioning about my future. In my willingness to simply spend some time with inner Inspiration I came to know the answer to my question. It was important that I verbalized the answer out loud so I would hear it coming forth from my inner wise voice. My Mentor Within knew that I struggled with trusting this wise inner knowing, and that hearing Wisdom being spoken from my own voice would strengthen my trust.

As I heard my True Self voice my response to The Mentor Within, “I run a mission for The Mentor Within and we inspire the dispirited” 
I woke up.

Eight months later, one sunny October afternoon sitting at an outdoor cafe


World Needs Your Help One-to-One ~ NOW!

unexpectedly arrived into my awareness.

WNYHOO now operates as Pause For Inspiration!

All things are possible when we listen to our helpful inner wisdom.
When we listen, we can receive wise direction.
When we follow this wise direction, our Mentor Within
becomes known and helpful in us, with us, and through us.






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365 Pause Practices – Day 142


What About Body Stuff?

feel better
moving in the pause®

As I began writing this, I hear Loving Wisdom speak into my thoughts,
“Go move your body.” I choose to follow. Well into my third week of a case of acute sinusitis, my mind and body feel as though I have been
plodding through the mire.

Moving In The Pause can happen while seated, standing, lying, or walking 

As I open to Loving Wisdom, I am guided to lay on the floor and simply allow my body to Be Moved ~ nothing complicated. Not trying to prove anything to my self, no stopwatches, no counting repetitions; simply moving as I am led to move with this inner wise voice.

By the way, this wise “voice” speaks to us in our own thoughts, our own voice ~ nothing weird going on here. You’re not channeling an outside alien force! LOL

I simply pause and
allow the movement of my body to follow the inner impulses of this 
wise voice within ~ my body simply communicating and expressing inner Wisdom. I don’t have to think about it.

moving joints
stretching muscles
making sounds
(you’ll be amazed how helpful sounding can be – “ahhhh”)
inhaling ~ exhaling
becoming rested

No one is watching you, so you can let go of self-judgment

Then I hear, “You don’t have to do a lot.” This is helpful because my
cubicle mind tells me I have to do a lot OR don’t bother doing anything!
Sound familiar?
Choosing to listen and follow my wise inner voice draws this
Moving In The Pause to a close.

Listening and following your inner wise voice is always beneficial,
always loving, and always makes sense – it’s practical and useful.

I feel so much better and I have good energy. I also received the wisdom 
to share this experience with you so you can practice
Moving In The Pause and EXPERIENCE what the voice of
Loving Wisdom within you wants to share with you.






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365 Pause Practices – Day 141



Opening to Inspiration Within is willingness. There is
nothing you need to make happen. Simply be willing. In
willingness, your whole being comes into Inspired Alertness,
a restful, awakened state. Your slumbering replaced with
a purposeful decision to receive Inspiration. Unfold any
clenching—open. Seeing your cares and woes absorbed
into peace—Now your hands are empty—receive.

ACTION: Allow stillness to replace the chatter. Rest in Quiet
patience. Be open to receiving Inspiration’s Help.
Put forth your questions, thoughts, and/or concerns.
Am I willing to ask: “Is there another way to see
this?” “What will be truly helpful now?”


Allow sanity to replace insanity. Give pardon to the
cubicle conversation being carried on in your mind; and
I mean carried—what a load. Drop it. In your stepping
aside you are now the host to stillness. Opening to the
stillness between the words and behind the thoughts of
any residual chatter. Stillness abounds.
page 23 Pause Yellow Book

Click on the Pause Yellow Book to open the FREE Download ~ Enjoy!





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365 Pause Practices – Day 140


Yours is a path chartered by Love, long before you take it

Your Inspired Self is a natural leader. This is because it is focused on the Inspired Self in others. Your Inspired Self is simply leading others into their Inspired Self. All will be thankful for this. Who will you lead to see their Inspired Self today?

You Have A Mentor Within that is Joined with your Inspired Mind

Your Mentor Within is passionate about living an Inspiring Life.

Are you Inspired to do your part?

In doing your part, you see the whole.
In seeing the whole, you experience your wholeness.
What is your part? What is your purpose?

Your Mentor Within will use your Inspired part to be a demonstration of Inspiration in the world.

Don’t think you have an Inspired part?

You are thinking too small.

Inspiration will give you your Inspired part and you will then see beyond the cubicle passions of the world.

Ask for it!”

Practice: Ask your Mentor Within now, “If I could be Inspired to see beyond my cubicle passions and into my Inspired Purpose, what would you have me see?”

page 176

Click on the Pause Yellow Book above to read and download for free.





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365 Pause Practices – Day 139


A Public Service Announcement

The more you and I practice

Pause For Love today,

the more LOVE everyone will receive!

Love heals what I thought could not be healed;
loves what I thought could not be loved.

To practice Pause For Love, click on the card above
for front and back images of the card 





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365 Pause Practices – Day 138


Shared by Natalie, a Pause Crew Member

The Space Connecting Two Breaths

Sometimes I find myself so busy running here and there, doing this and that,

that I’m grateful I haven’t gotten injured in the process. 

Truth is, this is no self-care program.

The injury does exist and it is perceived in countless ways…

a hurried response to a deadline, a sharp tone, insensitivity, sensitivity,

frustration, impatience, the list goes on.

 A Little Willingness to Pause in these moments

Allows rest, a recharge and a reminder to get out of my own way.

To Receive and Follow the Inspired guidance Within.

To be Helpful to myself and others.

    Behold a Life of Inspiration page 206

“The Inspiring Self Mind, Inspiring to serve Love in the Land of Inspiration.

A lot of practice experimenting with Willingness is Needed,
so each of you may enter the Land of Inspiration.

So where does Willingness come from?

It is Resting in the Space Connecting Two Breaths”. 

To practice Pause for Inspiration, click on the card above to see the front
and back of the card. You may also want to print or order it. 

Click on the book above to read and download for free.





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365 Pause Practices – Day 137


Am I Afraid to Love?

Do I first have to love myself?

All of me, even those little parts I think aren’t likable?

This comes back to trust.

I ask myself,

“Am I willing to let Love in,

to be open to Love?”

How do I do this?

Pause is a Practice

When I Pause for Love, I receive this Love.

When I Pause for Love,

this love is freely given to myself and others.

“When you notice Love, Love puts everyone on notice. 

Love is a True Experience, through you and into others

   whether they are aware of it or not”. pg. 59

Love from Inspiration Within is extended. 

Let this Love, Love you.

Click on the book above to read and download for free.





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365 Pause Practices – Day 136


Inspiration Inspires Trust

Trust is the willingness to be aware of Inspiration, Listen to its guidance
and Follow because you know it will inevitably lead to Peace.

As long as we are feeling guilty and/or seeing guilt in another,

there can be no Trust in relationships.

Trust Heals Guilt

Page 320

Cubicle Self Trust in Fear

·      Trust remains intact as long as someone else is doing life the way we think they should be doing it.

·      If someone appears similar to us we are more likely to trust; if someone appears different to us, we are more likely not to trust.

·      Cubicle trust is very dependent on whether or not someone meets our standard of behavior. 

·      Cubicle self has trouble trusting as it feels unsafe, alone, suspicious, defensive, on guard/feeling offended, and full of secrets. 

Inspired Self Trust in Love

·      The Inspired Self clearly recognizes the cubicle self and knows the agony of cubicle trust, for it is not trust at all.

·      Inspiration releases the cubicle self heart from all its secrets.

·      Inspiration frees us from the cubicle self, which frees us from cubicle trust.

·      Inspiration gets us to the heart of One-to-One Truly Helpful Relationships that are meaningful. 

·      The Inspired Self sees the meaningful and automatically trusts because it resonates within us as Real. 

Click on the book above to read and download for free.





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