self ~ importance
roadblock to true happiness
shared by mary
When we hear the word “humility”, we often misunderstand it to mean:
> let people walk all over me
> get used to being the victim
> keep your mouth shut, don’t say anything
> don’t interrupt by asking questions
> my life is of no importance . . . stay in the background
. . . add your own to the list
Humility is the relinquishment of who you think you are or should be,
in exchange for who you absolutely are (your Inspired Self) and
will always be! (Pause Golden Book, page 34)
Recently, while pausing about “humility” and asking
inner Inspiration to show me what true humility is
and how to be more humble, a flash of awareness
suddenly came into my vision.
I saw clearly how my desire for
“self-importance” is the cause of so much of the
dissatisfaction I can experience in my life,
relationships, and the daily grind!
This “me-character” or “self” can look to all kinds of “good” to do in the world,
“important” positions to assume, and titles to aspire to, all to achieve its goal of
self-importance. Our work, words, and actions can appear selfless and even
have our good intentions behind them. Yet, this “self” is a trickster. Not
because it’s a bad person in need of reform, but rather because the self
experiences itself as less than, or unworthy. UNWORTHINESS becomes the
force that drives us. Then the self thinks it must
do something to achieve worthiness
in its own eyes and in the eyes of others!
Yet, none of what this self does is ever enough.
self~importance is a roadblock to living your truly
Inspired Life ~ the Life that’s already in motion for you, but maybe you
have decided to “sit this one out”???
Do you experience???
> boredom, workaholism, taking offense to what others say to you?
> a need for everyone’s approval, and special attention?
> desire for accolades and being held in esteem?
> need to have followers, likes, & views on social media?
> overly concerned with your reputation?
> bouts of arrogance thus putting others down?
> feeling like others are bossing you around when they’re not?
> inability to truly receive positive or constructive feedback?
> taking on too much
> obstacles to closeness in relationships?
. . . I could go on, and on, and on
It’s a horrible trap.
I imagine you know to what it is I am speaking, right?
No shame, blame, or guilt, rather, simply recognize
that “self-importance” is part of the human condition.
What Is The Way Out of self~importance?
I am not going to answer this question for you.
I urge and encourage you to Practice The Pause for the answer.
The tricky part of self~importance is we believe it will bring the
It won’t.
PAUSE IS AN INVITATION to humble this self to LOVE.
Place your concerns in the hands of Inspiration who will
graciously receive them. Your Inspired Self wants to help you.
Take your hands off.
Empty your hands.
Let go.
(Pause page 34)
Immense relief is the gift I receive when I recognize self~importance and the
distress it is causing and then Pause and focus on
Letting LOVE love me.
In This LOVE I don’t need self~importance.