365 Pauses

365 Pause Practices – Day 135


P.E.A.R.L. Practice for Trust

Pause Your Mind. Be still on the inside. Still your body if needed

Express your willingness to open to Inspiration Within

Allow awareness to shift to Inspirations Presence Within you

Give your “secrets” the thoughts,

memories and experiences

you have been holding back,

over to Inspiration Within

Rest with a One-Pointed focus on This Presence

Let the Meaningful Rise in Stillness

in place of the meaningless

Listen and Follow This Wisdom being revealed to You.

Serve the Meaningful to all – this is a feast of Love

Let go of the outcome. Give thanks.

You have accepted your invitation to trust.

Page 328-329

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365 Pause Practices – Day 134


    “Our Walk in the World is A Trust Walk” pg. 343

This post is an experience by Natalie, helped and organized by Lisa,

Pause Crew Members

I don’t know about you, but I find it hard to trust sometimes.

I let past hurts and seeming offenses stop me from trusting,

stop me from being open.

This pattern seems automatic, out of my control,

but I know that’s just a little story I like to tell myself.

A story that keeps me from taking any kind of action toward helpful change.


I remember that all I need is a little Willingness to trust.

A little willingness to Practice Pausing.

When I Pause and Step Back, I allow myself time to Breathe. Relax. Slowdown.

I am able to get out of my own way, of being on autopilot with my thoughts.

I am able to allow openness to come into my awareness.

I am able to choose this openness to trust and love.

I am able to allow this openness to flow within and then,

just like a river flowing unstoppable,

this openness is extended to all. 

PAUSE for this openness to INSPIRATION Within that extends Trust and Love to others 

Click the card above to see an enlarged version with both sides included.

Click on the book above to read and download for free.





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365 Pause Practices – Day 132


Thank you Mary Kirkou for the above artwork. Words from Pause book.


Pausing for Wisdom is easily applicable and

potentially beneficial

no matter what one’s point of view

How are we to know how our decisions, seeming large or small, will affect our own life and the lives of others? This is the point, we do not know everything and we are not expected to know everything. So, we can PAUSE.

In pausing and stepping back, awareness of ones’

Inspired Heart∞Mind can enter and Wisdom generously

shares a Bigger Picture showing us what can be

truly helpful in the grand scheme of things.

(pg. 18-19)

complementary pause yellow book download here

KIDS 4 – 104




A Detour – Another Road

I am in the kitchen cooking and watching the news. My eyes and ears light up when I hear a man being interviewed sharing his views. Out of habit, I think, “Oh, here we go again.” Then, all of a sudden, I paused.

As he is speaking about how he sees things, something in my mind drops away – my pigeon-holing him. It is as if I am being taken on a detour away from how I see things so I can open to his perception which is very different from my own perception.

He becomes like a window and my inner sight begins seeing him in a deeper way. His shadow falls away, as my judgments fall away. I am now seeing beyond all of our differences.

My detour has taken me down Another Road and we are fellow travelers in this human condition. Though we may appear separate, we are alongside one another in this human condition as Inspiration walks alongside us.

In a few moments of pause, I saw how it is that he sees what he sees, and, how it is that I see what I see. I am grateful Wisdom set up a detour and I followed. Another Way gives hope that help is always available if I am willing to let LOVE sweep my mind of that which is not helpful.

Looking through this BIGGER WINDOW I will see where I am led from here.

Thank you my fellow traveler for
sharing your experience.

We Are All Worthy of A Pause





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365 Pause Practices – Day 131


Stepping back from thinking appears to be nonsense. However, Inspiration is not thinking what you are thinking when Inspiration says, “step back from thinking.” To step back is to first notice what it is I am stepping into. Notice how you step forth in your mind without pausing to see whereabouts you are headed! What is it that draws you into certain thinking that holds no future for you? No real future.

Ask yourself when you choose to remember, “Am I here to share peace or commit to the ongoing pain of myself and my fellow travelers here in this world, on this earth? Is it not worth a moment of your preciousness to humble yourself to peace?

All that will be humbled is the hatred and unworthiness
you carry on your back and ask others to carry for you.
Let it go. (pg. 16)

DOWNLOAD Complementary Pause Yellow Book





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365 Pause Practices – Day 130


Inspiration is available every moment
of every day of every week of
every month of every year
for all of us! 

Today’s Pause Post is by Lisa and Natalie, the Pause Crew

A way we can connect with Inspiration in any situation is: we can Pause, get out of our own way, and ask, “Is there another way to see this?” “What would be truly helpful now?” Now is the important part – Following what Inspiration reveals to you in this moment.

Allow yourself a little willingness to let your mind be open to receive Inspiration. Inspiration can be received as thoughts, ideas, images, and in numerous other ways natural to each of us.  We all can receive Inspiration Within if we are willing to Pause.

We all have choices to make ALL the time with EVERYTHING. In one 24-hour day, there are 86,400 seconds. That gives us 86,400 possible opportunities to Practice Pause.  Seriously, we can take some of these opportunities to quiet the chatter, to let our minds be a clean slate, and to invite the Wisdom of Inspiration in. As with any practice, the more you Pause, Step Back, and Step Aside the easier it gets to Let Inspiration Guide. 





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365 Pause Practices – Day 129


Let Your Mind Be A Clean Slate

The breath of Inspiration is clear and clears – This Peace is breathing in
you – breathe in This Peace.

Giving some space happens in your stepping back from yourself and all
that is happening in your mind. 
Spaciousness enters and lightens the load.

Your world is not going to suddenly fall apart if you take a moment or two
and allow awareness to spread out a fresh, clean, open space upon which
you may take a seat.
Be here.

pg. 22 Pause Yellow Book
Practice in Stepping Back: The decision to get out of my own way

I Am Practicing Stopping Taking Passing Thoughts So Seriously!

Saturday morning I was being bombarded with useless thoughts and I was valuing every one of them! I was fed up with this nonsense.

I paused, decided to step back from my crazy-making thinking self, and saw how meaningless these thoughts were, and how they were interfering not only with my peace of mind, but my ability to hear Helpful thoughts.

I DECIDED to stop paying so much attention to the same passing thoughts about nothing. As I did so, they floated away, out of my awareness. I let my mind become a clean, fresh slate.

As harassing chatter about the past, the future, the time, judging myself and others, and avoiding potential JOY begin to recede, I calmed down. Not only that, I received Wisdom about how to spend my time that day.

I had the most JOYOUS day of laughter, companionship, connecting, and miracles.





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365 Pause Practices – Day 128


Today We Pause For All Mothers


For All Women Who Mother In Myriad Ways

Blessings upon all mothers, all women, who love unceasingly, no matter what. I know my mom did. And in those moments when our mothers may
not have seemed so loving; we can forgive their fear, their worry,
their own hurt and pain, their doubt, their unfulfilled dreams, their
tired nights, and too busy days ~ for all our mothers
are both human and divine, as are we.

Because of the LOVE that loves us all, mothers, in their being
human can love, and through Divine LOVE are:

Frail yet strong

Vulnerable while willing to take risks 

Afraid yet trusting

Struggling and letting go all at once

Wishing they could have done better while doing the best they could

Lonely and wise enough to seek divine consolation

Desolate yet still receiving LOVE so they can love and console family,
neighbors, friends, and complete strangers
on the spot anywhere, any time

Grieving though still cooking, cleaning, and getting us dressed

Doubting and praying for direction

Hungry yet pausing to feed the family

Disciplining and never giving up on us

Creating their own life while giving us life

Be forgiven and forgive

Human yet always divine

Thanks Mom
for showing me how to love, embodying your faith, teaching me to pray unceasingly,
and literally giving your
life for your family.

Marty, Bill, and I all
miss you everyday;
your laugh, the unexpected wild remarks, your tears,
and the way you loved.

We still feel your presence with us though, as we live everyday life, you and dad, watching over us, cooking with us, praying with us, and still to this day
loving us, no matter what.

Three days after my mother’s passing on to a way better life, this butterfly showed up as I walked through Missouri Botanical Gardens with a friend. 

This Blue Morph followed us around for 45′ resting on our foreheads, our hands, and yes even our hearts. No doubt a message from my mom that she was very much ALIVE and ALREADY FREE.

Encouragement to go on living, letting LOVE, love me so I can live free now, so I can love myself and others, no matter what.





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365 Pause Practices – Day 127


Not Enough Time?


Your Inspired Heart∞Mind knows and is fully present. Practicing Pause is one way to experience your Inspired Heart∞Mind as a way of being present. (page 70 Pause Yellow book)


Take a Breath

Give a moment now.

Take a breath.

Acknowledge that you are slowing down to pause.

Take a breath.

Accept the background sounds as is; no need to push them away.

Take a breath.

Notice being surrounded by a quiet calm.

Take a breath.

Open to receive even the slightest sense of Peace within your mind.

Take a breath.

It’s okay to have mental chatter; no need to push it away.

Take a breath.

Simply let Peace share Peace with you. No effort.

Take a breath.

Continue pausing ~ receive Peace for as long as you choose.





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